I recently attended a five-day meeting on pervasive computing education. The meeting was held at a German castle named Schloss Dagstuhl – Dagstuhl hosts around 100 events each year, primarily 3-day and 5-day meetings that focus on topics in computer science. The title of the seminar that I attended was “Ubiquitous Computing Education: Why,What and How.” The goal of the seminar was to systematically explore ubiquitous computing education, by focusing on the questions posited recently in an IEEE Pervasive Computing article by the seminar organizers. Specifically, we looked at why teaching UbiComp is important, what topics should be covered for different student audiences, and how the topics should be presented to these students. As the only student of the 28 attendees (mainly university professors), I had a unique opportunity to share my experience as a student and shape conversations. In the following I will discuss what I have learned during the seminar, including major topics that came about during discussions, as well as key elements from my personal undergraduate perspective.
Published in: IEEE Pervasive Computing ( Volume: 18 , Issue: 3 , July-Sept. 1 2019 )
DOI: 10.1109/MPRV.2019.2926655