This paper explores the novel context of using bend gestures as a primary method of interaction for the blind. Our preliminary study assesses if this more tactile experience could enhance the usability and accessibility of technology for blind users, by comparing bend and touch interactions with simulated blind participants. Both input techniques showed similar results, indicating that bend gestures have potential in this context. We identify results that can help shape future research in this accessibility area, and potentially increase the overall interaction experience for screen reader based smartphones.


Matthew Ernst

Travis Swan



Typhlex: Exploring Deformable Input for Blind Users Controlling a Mobile Screen Reader

Matthew Ernst, Travis Swan, Victor Cheung, Audrey Girouard

IEEE Pervasive Computing, Special Issue on Flexible and Shape-Changing Interfaces, 2017


Bending Blindly: Exploring Bend Gestures for the Blind

Matthew Ernst, Audrey Girouard

CHI EA: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts, 2016