These are publications steaming from my graduate class HCIN 5300 / ITEC 5204 – Emerging Interactions Techniques, as well as from graduate directed studies.


Queering E-Therapy: Considerations for the Delivery of Virtual Reality based Mental Health Solutions with LGBTQ2IA+ Communities

Adrian Bolesnikov, Aryan Golshan, Lauren Tierney, Ashi Mann, Jin Kang, Audrey Girouard

15th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare


iSNoW: User Perceptions of an Interactive Social NoveltyWearable

Dawson Clark, Fiona Westin, Audrey Girouard

Ubicomp / ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC’19).


Re-Twist: Evaluating Engagement in a Digitally Augmented Traditional Game

Aditi Singh, Joanie Ouellet, Victor Cheung

ACM Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interactions TEI 2019


Ambient Notifications with Shape Changing Circuits in Peripheral Locations

Lee Jones, John McClelland, Phonesavanh Thongsouksanoumane, Audrey Girouard

2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces


SensArt Demo: A Multisensory Prototype for Engaging with Visual Art

Daniella Briotto Faustino, Sandra Gabriele, Rami Ibrahim, Anna-Lena Theus, Audrey Girouard

2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces


Save the Kiwi: Encouraging Better Food Management through Behaviour Change and Persuasive Design Theories in a Mobile App

Arda Aydin, Anthony Micallef, Samantha Lovelace, Xudong Li, Victor Cheung, Audrey Girouard

CHI EA: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts


Diving Head-First into Virtual Reality — Evaluating HMD Control Schemes for VR Games

Erin Martel, Feng Su, Jesse Gerroir, Ahmed Hassan, Kasia Muldner, Audrey Girouard

Foundations in Digital Games


Navigating in 3D Space with a Handheld Flexible Device

Megan Leflar, Audrey Girouard

Entertainment Computing


Augmenting Bend Gestures with Pressure Zones on Flexible Displays

Rufino Ansara, Audrey Girouard

MobileHCI: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services


Wearable Remote Control of a Mobile Device: Comparing One- and Two-Handed Interaction

Jessica Speir, Rufino Ansara, Colin Killby, Emily Walpole, Audrey Girouard

MobileHCI: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services