Music Learning and Accessibility

For people who are blind or visually impaired (BVI), screen reader software and tactile braille displays are essential tools used […]

Tabletop Games and Accessibility

Tabletop games have steadily remained popular means of entertainment for generations. Modern board and card games (i.e., tabletop games), however, […]

Active Progress Bars

We sought out to find a better way of effective task management when a progress bar interrupts user’s primary activity. We propose […]

Your Body of Water

We present the design and implementation of Your Body of Water, a display that wirelessly gathers heart rate data using […]

Viewpoint and Reflection

We provided critical insights into topics relevant in the field of HCI. For instance, we provided insights into the logistics, […]

Shape-Changing Assistive Wearables

Problem: Individuals with mobility impairments often discuss the challenges associated with donning and doffing shirts (i.e. putting them on and […]

Tangible Around-Device Interaction

The majority of mobile applications use built-in touchscreens and/or accelerometers to provide direct ways for user inputs. Yet, the need […]